Alfred Nobel University Journal of Pedagogy and Psychology                 



included in the list of scientific professional publications (category B) by the decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Order No. 886 from 02.07.2020)



  1. The structure and content of the article must conform to the requirements of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine. The article is to contain the following essential elements: general articulation of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent researches and publications which initiated the process of problem solving and which are used by the author; selection of the unsolved parts of generic problem, which the present article is devoted to; formulation of aims of the article (setting tasks) and selection of research methods; description of main material of research with complete justification of scientific results; conclusions to this study and perspectives for further research in this direction.
  2. Articles are published in Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and other languages in paper or electronic form. Spacing 1.5, font size 14, Times New Roman, margins: top and bottom are not less than 2 cm, right – 1 cm, left – 3 cm. The minimum size of the article is 10 pages (it means only the main body of the article, excluding the abstract, references, appendices, etc.).
  3. Article layout guidelines: UDC code is printed on the first line of the first page in the left corner; the line below the center is for the initials and last name of the author in bold letters, below are the author’s data – the scientific degree and the name of the institution. The article’s title is printed two lines below (centered, in capitals, and in bold).

Main body is typed without hyphenation and page number.

Fragments of text are typed in bold (terminology if necessary) and in italics (quotations from literary texts). No underlined text is allowed. It is necessary to remember about the differences in size and space between dash (–) and hyphen (-). It is to be followed in bibliography list as well. Do not confuse dash and hyphen. The dash can not be replaced by a hyphen and vice versa.

  1. Mandatory elements of the article are annotations and keywords in Ukrainian of not less than 1800 printed characters (if the article is written in a foreign language, annotations in the Ukrainian language and language of the article are required), as well as the summary of an article in the amount of 3000 printed characters and keywords in English including the English version of the author’s surname and the title of the article. Abstracts in Ukrainian, and English must include the purpose and objectives of research, research methods, research results.
  2. The article is accompanied by: a scan copy of the completed and signed by the personal signature consent form for the publication of the article; a reference to the authors (in Ukrainian and English) with the indication of the name, patronymic name, surname, academic rank, scientific degree, position, address, place of work, contact telephone number and e-mail, as well as the post office of Nova Poshta (number) and the city where the copy is to be sent.
  3. Publication fee is 1200 UAH/32$
  4. Guidelines for in-text citation. In-text citations are formatted according to the APA Style.

In-text citations are given in square brackets and should include the name of the author of the cited source (or editor/compiler/title of the cited source, if the author is unknown), year of publication and page number or page range: [Volkova, 2018, p. 189]. The surname of the author (or editor/compiler/title of the cited source, if the author is unknown) is given in the language of the cited source.

In-text citation to the source with multiple authors (or editors/compilers)

If the cited source has 2 to 5 authors (or editors/compilers), the in-text citations should contain the names of all authors separated by commas: [Litvynova, Romanyuk, Terenda, Panchyshyn, 2016, p. 54].

If the cited source has 6 or more authors, the in-text citations should contain the name of the first author and the word ‘et al.’: [Yelnikova et al., 2010, p. 225] or [Banerjee et al., 2016, p. 64].

In-text citation to the source with no author (or editor/compiler)

If the cited source has the name of the editor or compiler, in the in-text citation the name of the editor or compiler is indicated in the place of the author’ name: [Prokopenko, 2018].

If the cited source has no author (or editor/compiler), and it is a large work (a book), the in-text citation should contain the title of the source in italics, important words in title should be capitalized: [Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", 2014, p. 33].

If the cited source has no author (or editor/compiler), and it is a shorter work (an article, a section in a monograph or textbook, etc.), the in-text citation should contain the title of the work in quotation marks, only the first word should be capitalized: ["The language of Internet communication", 2015, p. 24].

Citing multiple sources in the same in-text citation

If in-text citations are made to multiple sources in one set of brackets, organize them alphabetically, separating by a semicolon: [Berezyuk, 2015; Zubtsova, Roma, 2020; Lunyachek, 2020; Ryan, Deci, 2001; Esteban, 2015].

In-text citation to multiple sources with different authors who have the same surnames

If two or more authors have the same surname, the authors’ initials should be included in the in-text citation (or full name if the initials are also same): [S. Maksimenko, 1994; O. Maksimenko, 2015].

In-text citation to multiple sources with the same author and the same year of publication

When citing to multiple publications with the same author with the same publication year, indexing in Latin letters a, b, c, d, etc. should be used: [Lebid, 2019a] or [Lebid, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c].

In-text citationsto multi-volumework

When citing to multi-volume work (collections of works, encyclopedias, etc.), the volume number is indicated after the year of publication: [Komenskyi, 1940, vol. 3, p. 257].

8. Guidelines for Bibliography. Bibliography are formatted according to the APA Style, the international style for research articles formatting.

Bibliography should be organized alphabetically by the name of the author (or editor/ compiler). If the source does not have an author, it is placed in the list by the first letter of the title. If the source has a DOI number, it should be specified.

If bibliography have multiple works with the same author, editor or compiler, the works should be placed chronologically by year of publication in ascending order.

If the bibliography source has no more than seven authors (editors/compilers), then all authors should be listed in the reference.

If the bibliography source has eight or more authors (editors/compilers), the names of the first six authors should be given in the reference, followed by three dots (...) and the name of the last author.

Bibliography examples

Book with 1 to 7 authors:

Romanenko, Yu.V. (2008). Modern psychotechnologies. Kyiv: DUIKT.

Shevchuk, S.V., Klymenko, I.V. (2011). Ukrainian language for professional direction. Kyiv: Alerta.

Irtenyeva, N.F., Shapkin, A.P., Bloch, M.Ya. (1969). Sentence structure in English. Moscow: Vyschaya Shkola.

Nemchenko, S.G., Golik, O.B., Kryvylyova, O.A., Lebid, O.V. (2012). Management of the educational institution. Donetsk: LANDON-XXI.

Book with 8 or more authors:

Pylyagina, H.Ya., Haustova, O.O., Chaban, O.S., Aimedov, K.V., Aseeva, Y.O., Wenger, O.P. ... Chumak, S.A. (2020). Medical psychology. Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha.

Book with editor:

Kremen, V.Р. (Ed.). (2008). Encyclopedia of education. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter.

Daft, R. (2011). Teamwork in organizations. Ohio, USA: South Western.

Book with noauthor:

The language of Internet communication. (2015). Romny.

Part of the book:

Volkova, N., Lebid, O. (2021). Content, forms and methods of training doctors of philosophy to write and implement a dissertation project. In M. Filipovych (Ed.), Third education level: quality control over scientific-professional training of a PhD (pp. 122–155). Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing.

Onufrieva, L., Honcharuk, N. (2018). Psychological conditions for correction of the emotional sphere of adolescent children in situations related to parental divorce. N.M. Honcharuk, L.A. Onufrieva, O.M. Verzhikhovskaya (Ed.), Personality in the conditions of social transformations: formation and development. (pp. 44–77). Kamianets-Podilskyi: Aksioma.


Sukhomlynsky V. (1966–1967). Selected works (Vol. 1–5). Kyiv: Radianska Shkola.

Separate volume of a multi-volumework

Smolii V. (ed.). (2003–2013). Encyclopedia of the history of Ukraine. Kon–Kyu (Vol. 5). Kyiv: Naukova dumka.

Niehuis, S. (2008). Dating. In J. T. Sears (Ed.), The Greenwood encyclopedia of love (Vol. 6, pp. 57–60). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Journal article

Karpova, M. (2017). Historical origins of the formation of the profession of a pediatrician as a subject of team activity. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2 (14), 13–18.

Heron, M. (2019). Making the case for oratory skills in higher education: practices and opportunities. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 16 (2), 1–16.

Newspaper article

Shulikin, D. (2022, March 28). About accreditation and competition to NAQA. Education of Ukraine, p. 3.

Sereda, E. (2015, July 29). Psychology of corruption. Day. Retrieved from

Dissertations and abstracts of dissertations

Kolomiets, A. (2011). Formation of motivation for educational and cognitive activity of students of technical specialties by means of historiography. (Author's thesis. candidate of pedagogic sciences). Vinnytsia National Technical University. Vinnytsia.

Lebid, O (2018). Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the readiness of the future head of a general educational institution for strategic management in the conditions of the master's degree(Dissertation of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences). Alfred Nobel University, Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University. Dnipro.

Internet sources

Lebid, O. (2018). The lecture as a form of training organization in the system of forming the readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institution for strategic management in the conditions of a master's degree studies. Educational discourse, Vol. 4 (3–4). Retrieved from

Bermúdez, L., González, L. (2011). La competencia comunicativa: elemento clave en las organizaciones. Retrieved from

9. Guidelines for References

Dear Authors!

As stipulated in the Rules of International bibliographic database SCOPUS, an article submitted to a scientific journal is to contain the list of bibliographical sources – References – being transliterated. Thus, two variants of References are to be made up. The first one is to comply with APA Style requirements, the second one – with the international standard given below. Given as a separate unit References are to duplicate the Ukrainian or Russian list regardless the usage of English sources. If the English sources have been used, they are rewritten in References. As to foreign bibliographical sources, unlike English ones, they are to be given in English or transliterated by means of Roman alphabet, not Cyrillic one.

Roman transliteration of the Ukrainian texts can be carried out here:

Roman transliteration of the Russian texts can be carried out here:

Characters «//» and «–» are to be removed from transliterated text being replaced with commas. Pay attention to the use of English quotation marks (“ ”) instead of traditional ones (« »).

  1. Each transliterated name of the bibliographic reference is to be in italics and extended by the English translation (the title of the article, book, journal, conference). In this case, the translation is taken in square brackets and placed immediately after the transliterated name.
  2. The place of publication is to be marked in full (for example, «Kyiv» not «К.»).
  3. All basic data (page indications, volume, issue, numbers) must be in English, not transliterated. Thus, instead of «s.» «p.» or «pp.» must be used (for example, 123 p. or рр. 1-12); and instead of «т.» (volume), «вип.» (issue) і «№» (number) - «», «issue» and «no.» respectively.
  4. Roman numerals (for example, conference names) are to be replaced with words or Arabic numerals (Second or 2nd instead of II).
  5. It is not needed to specify the type of publication in the description of textbooks and tutorials. This information in References will go amiss.
  6. The description of the source is to contain the names of all authors, in no case reducing the list.
  7. The year of publication is transferred to the beginning of the description, placed immediately after the author’s last name in brackets (the most appropriate option).
  8. When describing electronic sources, it is mandatory to indicate the date of access to information.
  9. All sources listed in References are placed in Latin alphabet.

For example:

  1. Rozenberh, M. (2020). Nenasylnytske spilkuvannia …
  2. Voloshko, H. (2021). Fasylitatyvnyi pidkhid …

unlike the Ukrainian or Russian versions:

  1. Voloshko, G. (2011). Facilitative approach...
  2. Rosenberg, M. (2020). Nonviolent communication...

Optional notations

  • When specifying a publishing house, it is recommended to use «Publ.» after its name. If the name of the publisher has an officially registered translation into English, this option is indicated, in all other cases the transliterated name of the publishing house is given.
  • The original language may be specified in brackets at the end of the bibliographic description of the source, for example: (In Russian), (In Ukrainian). Also it is possible to provide information on translation of the annotation into English, for example: (In Russian; abstract in English).

Some pieces of advice to the authors

  • In the case of a reference to a bibliographic source in English, it is not necessary to translate it, first of all this applies to publications registered in international scientometric databases.
  • If the Ukrainian-language or Russian-language magazine has an officially registered name in English (usually this information is available on the website of the publication), then this name is to be written in References,not the own translation.
  • If there is an opportunity to find the original publication of a foreign source, then it is necessary to give its description.
  • When describing the publications without authors (collections, collective monographs), it is permitted to name one, maximum two editors of the publication instead of authors’ surnames.
  • It is permitted not to transliterate titles of dissertations, patents, reports, legislative and normative documents, and other non-standard documents for quoting indexes, providing only their English translation. However, in brackets it is necessary to indicate the language of the original publication, for example: (In Russian) or (In Ukrainian).
  • For unpublished documents, you can make a brief description indicating in brackets (Unpublished) if the source has an author; or (Unpublished Source) or (Unpublished Report) if there is no author.
  • If the publication has doi, it is to be indicated at the end of the description of the source.

References examples


Volkova, N.P. (2018). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia u vyshchii shkoli [Interactive learning technologies in higher education]. Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University Publ., 360 p.

Herasymchuk, B.V., Herasymchuk, O.B. Rekomendatsii shchodo stvorennia i provedennia slaid-lektsii [Recommendations for creating and conducting slide lectures]. Lutsk, LDTU Publ., 2004, 14 p.

Book element (part, chapter etc.)

Rybalko, L. (2019). Ekotsentryzm yak kontseptualna ideia osvity staloho rozvytku suspilstva[Ecocentrism as a conceptual idea of education for the sustainable development of society]. Naukovyi ta pedahohichnyi suprovid staloho rozvytku: Dyskurs 2019 [Scientific and pedagogical support of sustainable development: Discourse 2019]. Sumy, Vinnychenko M.D., pp. 141–163.

Tkach, R., Ball, H. Humanistychna psykholohiia. Tom 2: Psykholohiia i dukhovnist[Humanistic psychology, vol. 2: Psychology and spirituality], Kyiv, Pulsary, 2005.

Printed article

Prykhodkina, N. The features of teacher training for media education of students in the developed English-speaking countries. Education: modern discourses, 2021, no. 4, pp. 103–115.

Vasylieva, D. Stan dystantsiinoho navchannia matematyky pid chas viiny v Ukraini [State of distance education of mathematics during the war in Ukraine]. Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi zhurnal [Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal], 2022, no. 2, pp. 38–47.


Vasylieva, D. State of distance education of mathematics during the war in Ukraine. Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi zhurnal [Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal], 2022, no. 2, pp. 38–47 (In Ukrainian).

Electronic article

Barrows, H.S. A taxonomy of problem-based learning concepts. Med. Teach., 1986, vol. 20, no. 6. Available at: (Accessed 09 September 2022).

Lebid, O.V. (2018). The lecture as a form of organization of training in the system of forming the readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institution for strategic management in the conditions of a master's degree. Osvitnii dyskurs [Educational discourse], issue 4 (3–4). Available at: (Accessed 09 September 2022).

Article with doi

Dantas, E., Daoud, R., Trott, A., Nodari, R., Conceição, M. Flexibility: components, proprioceptive mechanisms and methods. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2011, no. 3, рр. 39–43. doi: 10.2478/v10101-011-0009-2

Лимар, Л.В. Zmist i skladovi profesiinoi kompetentnosti simeinoho likaria: psykholohichnyi aspect [Content and components of professional competence of a family doctor: psychological aspect]. Visnyk pisliadyplomnoi osvity [Bulletin of postgraduate education], 2019, issue 8 (37), pp. 67–83. doi:‐993174

Article from the collection of scientific works

Lohvinovska, L.M. Nehatyvnyi informatsiino-psykholohichnyi vplyv; teoretychnyi analiz problem [Negative information effect: theoretical analysis of the problem]. Zbirnyk naukovykh statei Kyivskoho mizhnarodnoho universytetu ta Instytutu sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii

Halitsan, O.A., Koicheva, T.I., Kurliand, Z.N. Fasylitatsiina kompetentnist vykladacha vyshoi shkoly yak subiekta pedahohichnoi diialnosti [Facilitation competence of a high school teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity]. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni K.D. Ushynskoho [Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky], 2019, no. 4 (129), pp. 84–89.


Halitsan, O.A., Koicheva, T.I., Kurliand, Z.N. (2019). Facilitation competence of a high school teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni K.D. Ushynskoho [Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky], no. 4 (129), pp. 84–89 (In Ukrainian).

Conference materials

Andreev, V.O. (2018). Pedahohichne spilkuvannia vykladachiv koledzhu mystetskoho spriamuvannia [Pedagogical communication of teachers of the College of Arts]. Materialy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Suchasna vyshcha osvita: problemy ta perspektyvy” [Proc. Scien. and Pract. Conf. “Modern higher education: problems and prospects”]. Dnipro, pp. 9–12.

or a shorter version of the description

Andreev, V.O. (2018). Pedagogical communication of teachers of the College of Arts. Materialy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii “Suchasna vyshcha osvita: problemy ta perspektyvy” [Proc. Scien. and Prac. Conf. “Modern higher education: problems and prospects”]. Dnipro, pp. 9–12. (in Ukrainian).

Unpublished document

Generator davleniia GD-2M. Tekhnicheskoe opisanie i instruktsiia po ekspluatatsii [Pressure generator GD-2M. Technical description and user manual]. Zagorsk, Res. Inst. of Appl. Chem. Publ., 1975, 15 p.


Pressure generator GD-2M. Technical description and user manual. Zagorsk, Res. Inst. of Appl. Chem. Publ., 1975, 15 p. (In Russian, unpublished).

Internet source

Essential Soft Skills for Teachers (2020). Available at:,with%20people%E2%80%A6%20not%20at%20them(Accessed 10 September 2022).

Etychnyi kodeks likaria Ukrainy [Code of ethics of a doctor of Ukraine]. Available at: (Accessed 10 September 2022).

Dissertation, author’s abstract

Fednova, I.M. (2021). Rozvytok hotovnosti vykhovateliv do prosvitnytsko-konsultatyvnoi diialnosti z batkamy u systemi metodychnoi roboty zakladu doshkilnoi osvity. Diss. dokt. filosofii [Development of educators' readiness for educational and advisory activities with parents in the system of methodical work of the preschool education institution. Doct. of philos. diss.]. Dnipro, 323 p.


Fednova, I.M. (2021). Rozvytok hotovnosti vykhovateliv do prosvitnytsko-konsultatyvnoi diialnosti z batkamy u systemi metodychnoi roboty zakladu doshkilnoi osvity. Dokt., Diss. [Development of educators' readiness for educational and advisory activities with parents in the system of methodical work of the preschool education institution. Doct. Diss.]. Dnipro, 323 p.

Karpova, M.Ye. (2021). Pidhotovka maibutnikh pediatriv do roboty v komandi zasobamy interaktyvnykh metodiv navchannia. Diss. kand. ped. nauk [Training of future pediatricians to work in a team by means of interactive teaching methods. Cand. ped. sci. diss.]. Dnipro, 363 p.

Kolomiiets, A.A. (2011). Formuvannia motyvatsii navchalno-piznavalnoi diialnosti studentiv tekhnichnykh spetsialnostei zasobamy istoriohrafii. Avtoref. diss. kand. ped. nauk [Formation of motivation for educational and cognitive activity of students of technical specialties by means of historiography. Abstract cand. ped. sci. diss.]. Vinnytsia, 23 p.

Laws, sets of regulations

Printed laws and regulations:

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2020), “Resolution "On making changes to the Regulation on the certification of teaching staff"”, Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy, vol. 3, p. 167.

Electronic laws, regulations(placed on sites):

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2020), “Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Provisions on the professional art college”, available at: (Accessed 10 September 2022).

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, available at: (Accessed 10 September 2022).

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (2018), Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine “Issues of attestation of teaching staff of institutions (institutions) of education in the field of culture”, available at: (Accessed 10 September 2022).


GOST 7.12–93. Sistema standartov po informatsii, bibliotechnomu i izdatekskomu delu. Bibliograficheskaia zapis. Sokrashchenie slov na russkom yazyke. Obshchie trebovaniia i pravila[State Standard 7.12–93. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules]. Kiev, Gosstandart Ukrainy Publ., 1995, 17 p.


State Standard 7.12–93. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules. Kiev, Gosstandart Ukrainy Publ., 1995, 17 p. (In Russian)


Palkin, M.V. (2006). Sposob orientirovaniia po krenu letatel'nogo apparata s opticheskoi golovkoi samonavedeniia [The way to orient on the roll of aircraft with optical homing head]. Patent RF, no. 2280590.


Іванов, В.В. (2010). Kardiolohiia [Cardiology]. Working paper WP3/2012/01, Kyiv: Druk, 198 р.

Statistical book

Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy (2013). Sotsialni indykatory rivnia zhyttia naselennia [Social indicators of living], Kyiv: Informatsiino-analitychne ahentstvo.


If there is no available information about the author(s), but there is information about the editor, it is to be stated at the beginning of the description:

Vasyliev, I.I. (ed.) (2010). Kardiolohiia [Cardiology], Kyiv: Svit.

If there is no available information about the author(s) and editor, the name of publishing house is to be stated at the beginning of the description:

Donetsk National Medical University of Maxim Gorky (2012). Kardiolohiia [Cardiology], Donetsk: Donetsk National Medical University of Maxim Gorky.


The article and information about the author are submitted by e-mail to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The editorial board reserves the right to edit the articles if necessary and to reject them. Rejected articles are not returned.


Contact information:

Olena Lavrentieva, Dr. of Pedagogy, Professor

Tel.: +380970716641;

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
